Who is Cee Dub, and what is this site?

I am Chris Voss, also Cee Dub. By trade, I am a data professional. By hobby, I am an autism spectrum self-advocate, runner, and music nerd.

T-SQL Tuesday #137: Burned All My Notebooks, What Good Are Notebooks?

I’m hopping back in for this month, as we get into a topic I have dabbled with but have only recently used more often: notebooks. This month’s T-SQL Tuesday post is from a figure you might have heard of, Steve Jones (b | t). He’s asking if we use notebooks, how we use notebooks, and […]

T-SQL Tuesday #122: Impostor Syndrome

Time for another of those pieces that upon reading the subject, I had something to say. This month’s topic comes from Jon Shaulis (b|g). Impostor syndrome is hard to bypass no matter your level of skill. I’ve been mindful of impostor syndrome as I have become more experienced and found myself in senior roles. I […]