Who is Cee Dub, and what is this site?

I am Chris Voss, also Cee Dub. By trade, I am a data professional. By hobby, I am an autism spectrum self-advocate, runner, and music nerd.

The TRY Microsession: A T-SQL Tuesday Follow Up

Warning: this post contains expletives Last month, I gave the talk first referenced in last month’s Tuesday blog festival, concerning conversion functions with TRY. I can’t say I wasn’t nervous about giving my first presentation to a professional organization, even as a 101-level lightning talk. I was concerned about my own abilities on that stage, […]

SQL Server Discovery Day, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Hacking

So I’ve really slacked on blogging since starting my own website. My thought was with my own domain that I would do this more. I have a lot of partial drafts right now that are eager for publication. Well, hopefully I have motivating myself merely by typing that. Moving on… This past Saturday, I took […]

The First Post (or as WordPress likes to say, “Hello world!”)

Everyone needs their introductory (or re-introductory) blog post when entering the sphere. So this one is no different. I see many great professionals and advocates on here with some well-developed websites, with some great advice and random musings for others to check out. I have asked myself many times, “what can I share with the […]